The good news is that with a little work you too can have great looking legs. Wayne Wescott Ph.D. & Rita La Rosa-Loud have written a book “No More Cellulite”. Their findings show, that with as little as 40 minutes of exercise three times a week the cellulite disappears in as little as 6-8 weeks. Their exercise program included 20 minutes of cardio-vascular workout and 20 minutes of squats, lunges and crunches with weights. They also found that people who modified their diet melted pounds and cellulite much faster than those who did not have a dietary change.
Other experts on cellulite recommend daily thigh-firming exercises – a few suggestions are:
1) Sit with your back against a firm surface with your knees bent and your hands on the floor. Place a cushion between your knees and squeeze as you breathe in slowly to the count of 8, as you exhale, release. Repeat five times.
2) Stand with your knees slightly bent in a ballet position and hands on your waist. As you breathe in, rise onto your toes and as you breathe out, lower yourself into a squatting position. Be careful to only go as low as is comfortable and keep the back straight.
3) Brisk walking, rebounding, swimming, and cycling are highly recommended for toning the buttocks and legs.
Find a way to make exercise an enjoyable activity that you want to do. For example, exercise with friends or use it as time for yourself, and then delight in increased self-confidence and body strength. Research shows that results-only orientated exercise is doomed to failure, so beat the odds and make it fun.
Proper nutrition to help fight cellulite includes eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish and chicken. A daily caloric intake of 1800 – 2200 calories is recommended to help shed that extra fat. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. Cut back on your consumption of coffee, black tea, fat, sugar and salt. And if you are in good health, a vegetable or juice fast to completely cleanse the system can help.
Dry skin brushing will stimulate the circulation not only of blood, but also of lymph, and encourage the drainage of excess fluid and waste. Dry skin brushing gives the added benefit of exfoliation and can be done before bath or shower. Take a natural bristle brush and stroke in the direction of the heart avoiding sore or broken areas of the skin. Massage the thighs using the balls of your fingers in a circular motion. Massage and brushing will help encourage the breakdown of fats that give the dimpled appearance.
Incorporate the above ideas into your life in an enjoyable and positive way. Not only will you reap the rewards of lovely legs, but you will enjoy improved health and well-being too.
Healthy Wishes,
Dr. Linda Miles L.Ac., D.O.M.
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