Sunday, July 18, 2010

Manage Hormonal Imbalance, Naturally

Most women suffer from hormonal imbalance at some time in their lives. From premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to the full blown symptoms of menopause, there can be hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, or vaginal dryness. The list goes on and on.

Before menopause, the imbalance is usually an abundance of estrogen relative to progesterone. At menopause the production of both estrogen and progesterone is reduced and imbalances between the two are even more apparent. For hundreds of years, women have used herbal remedies to balance hormones and smooth the transition of menopause.

Black Cohosh and Wild Yam are two herbs that are well known as “women’s herbs” and with good reason. Native Americans used black cohosh for depression, menstrual disorders, kidney problems and rheumatism. It contains phytoestrogens and is rich in triterpenes and saponins. Recently black cohosh has been recognized for its ability to help relieve hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, mood swings and PMS.

Wild Yam contains diosgenin, a precursor to progesterone. Also known as “colic root”, it is anti-spasmodic,anti-inflammatory and helps balance the hormones.

derma e® has blended these two powerful herbs with St. John’s Wort (that enhances mood and reduces anxiety), Ginseng (an adaptogenic herb), and Lavender (soothes and calms the body) in our Flash Relief Crème. Applied topically to fatty areas of the body (lower abdomen, inner thighs,breasts, etc.) this amazing crème soothes, calms, and reduces the symptoms of menopause or PMS.

Menopause should not be a medical condition; it should be a natural transition in a stage of life. However, because of modern diets, stress, lifestyle, and exposure to an abundance of xenoestrogens in our environment, our bodies can become very unbalanced. Nature provides the answers to this imbalance and with a little effort you too can be PMS-free and make menopause a smooth transition in your life.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Linda Miles, L.Ac., D. O. M. SHARE

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

So how did you spend the holiday? Perhaps a day at the lake, lounging around a pool, a couple rounds of golf, or a BBQ with family and friends? Chances are you may have spent a good part of it outside in the summer sun.

Photo oxidation is one of the primary reasons for skin damage and aging. The free radicals created by the sun’s rays go to work on damaging just about all the structures of the skin. Add this free radical exposure to the already overwhelming list of stress-induced, exercise-induced and of course environmental exposure (pollution, etc.) and your skin and body are under a very impressive assault.

However, as a holistic practitioner, do I want you to give up the sun exposure or the exercise? Absolutely not! Sunshine is needed for vitamin D synthesis (we are seeing more and more deficiency of this very important vitamin) and for production of several “feel good” brain chemicals.

So how do you protect your skin and body? With antioxidants of course! Make sure the vitamins you are taking include a good measure of antioxidants to protect your body in general and use a moisturizer loaded with antioxidants to keep your skin healthy and younger looking. Pycnogenol®, Green Tea, Astaxanthin, Cranberry, Pomegranate, and Tamanu Oil all have research to show that they are very effective antioxidants when topically applied. The “topically applied” is an important piece of information, as not all antioxidants work topically or when applied externally to the skin.

Let’s look at a couple of the super antioxidants for optimal skin health:


This amazing antioxidant is 50 times more effective than vitamin E as a free-radical scavenger, helping to protect your skin from the damaging effects of oxidation. Pycnogenol® is an extremely important nutrient that builds strong capillaries, reduces puffiness around the eyes, and most importantly gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. It even enhances skin's resistance to inflammation. Pycnogenol® works synergistically with vitamin C to rebuild collagen and helps prevent UVB radiation damage. Nature has given us this amazing ingredient in the bark of France's maritime pine tree.


From sea algae off the coast of Hawaii, this amazing antioxidant has been reported to be 500 times more powerful than vitamin E. Astaxanthin has the amazing ability to shut down free radicals and protect the skin from UV damage (it is 1000 times more effective than both beta-carotene and lutein in protecting skin from exposure to UV light) and environmental stress. This remarkable nutrient reduces skin inflammation, helps normalize skin and enhances the activity of defensive cells. As a natural anti-inflammatory, it stimulates the killer cells in the skin to find and destroy potential pathogens before they can damage the skin.

So for great looking summer skin nourish your skin daily with moisturizers rich in anti-oxidants and after sun exposure reapply to diminish the damage caused by UV radiation.

Yours in Health,
Dr. Linda Miles, L.Ac., D. O. M.