I have always thought it appropriate that this day was chosen to honor Mother Earth and encourage healthy and sustainable environmental practices. I am very proud of the efforts that derma e® makes toward a healthier planet:100% wind energy, recycling at all levels of the company, recyclable packaging for our products, and Guyra Paraguay (part of The Paraguay Project) works directly on preserving the rainforest and other ecologically rich lands.
Since I was a child I have always been a “naturalist”, spending most of my waking hours outside, hiking in the local hills and observing all the wildlife (insects, reptiles, mammals and of course the plants). I marvel at how they interact and feel that we (humans) need to preserve wild spaces, that this planet is ours to share, not own, and that all life is interconnected in some grandiose cosmic plan.
In my adult life I have been involved in community planning, in trying to preserve “open space” and “scenic corridors.” Gardening is one of my spring and summer pastimes and I compost (red worms) year round.
I had read an article some time ago that challenged each one of us to live one day “trash free.” That doesn’t sound like much of a challenge at first glance but when you start to look at our lifestyles and habits, it is a huge challenge. I suggest to you that for at least one day on Earth Day, why not try to live “trash free”?
Like Mahatma Ghandi, I believe that “you must be the change you want to see in the world”. Happy Earth Day.
Yours in health, Dr. Linda Miles, L. Ac., D.O.M.
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