Friday, April 30, 2010

Beauty Is More Than Skin Deep

People today want an instant fix to whatever ails them. If they have a pain, they want a pill to fix it; if their skin looks bad or is starting to show signs of age, they want a crème they can apply to correct the “issues.” And while a crème will help, most folks don’t realize that beauty is actually from the inside out.

You cannot have great looking skin or look healthy if you are not living the good life. And what is the “good life”? It is all the things our Mothers tried to tell us as we were growing up: drink 8 glasses of water a day, eat your vegetables especially the green ones, avoid sweets, get a good night’s sleep, take your vitamins, and get plenty of exercise.

The one big thing we can add to the list is to cope with stress, whether with yoga, meditation—whatever means works for you, this one is huge in our modern society. In fact two of the main stress hormones, catecholamine and cortisol break down into Free Radicals adding to the Free Radical load that our bodies must deal with. April is National Stress Awareness Month—and do we need it! Take control of stress before it takes control of you.

Beauty shows from the inside out. To look great on the outside we must take care of the inside. And although we cannot keep Father Time from his work we can certainly hold fast to Willie Nelson’s advice that “wrinkles should be where smiles have been.”

Healthy Wishes, Dr. Linda Miles D.O.M. SHARE

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